About Us

Colorado became a state 100 years after the Declaration of Independence was signed, and from that historic occasion we became the Centennial State.

Coloradans support the people who worked hard to make this state what it is today, and Centennial State Prosperity is no different. We work for the prosperity of our friends, families, and neighbors to ensure hardworking Coloradans’ voices are heard and they can earn a good life and provide for their families. While corporations are making record profits, and the rich are getting richer, too many Coloradans have a hard time making ends meet. We shouldn’t have to go into extreme debt to afford our healthcare, housing, or education, and we shouldn’t have to struggle to save for our future. We deserve to earn a good living while having a good life.

We strive to uplift the voices of hardworking folks through the legislative process by connecting Coloradans with their elected officials on the issues facing our communities. Coloradans need to be able to have their voices heard whether that’s in our elections or in the legislative process.

Together we can ensure all Coloradans prosper, not just the wealthy and well-connected, by strengthening the voice of hardworking people in our Democracy.


Austin Blumenfeld
Executive Director

Nikita Valdez
Organizing Manager

Board Members

Heidi Hess
Simple [A]

Leticia Martinez
Mission Control, Inc.

Laura Reinsch
Siegel Long Public Affairs
Director of Strategic Projects & Communications