Strengthening Democracy

Hardworking Coloradans should be able to have their voices be heard in safe, secure, and accessible elections. Colorado has one of the highest participation rates of any state in the country and we can and should have the best voting system in the country. But partisan extremists want to roll back the progress we’ve made to make it more difficult to vote and participate in our democracy.

Together we can expand and protect the fundamental right to vote, ensuring that no matter what we look like or where we are from our voices are heard.

How to Vote

You can register to vote online, in person, or by mail. Visit to register to vote, update or view your voter record, and/or track your ballot. All Coloradans will receive a ballot in the mail that can be returned via mail, at a drop box, or at a Voter Service & Polling Center. You can also vote in-person at a Voter Service & Polling Center.