
Centennial State Prosperity finds real solutions for people who work hard and businesses who treat their employees and communities with respect. As Colorado businesses and the economy recover from the coronavirus, let’s make sure those in the middle aren’t bearing the brunt of the rising costs of healthcare, education, childcare, and retirement.

We’re focusing on the following issues to help level the playing field for communities across Colorado.

Lowering Healthcare Costs

Asking hardworking Coloradans to shoulder the burden of skyrocketing healthcare while health insurers rake in the profits is unacceptable. Between 2008 and 2017, employer-provided health insurance premiums rose 50 percent for individuals and 60 percent for families, according to the Colorado Division of Insurance. Meanwhile, people who buy insurance themselves saw premiums surge by 32 percent in 2018 alone.

TAKE ACTION: Lawmakers recently voted to pass HB 1232, a Colorado Health Insurance Option, and SB 175, the formation of a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Send a note thanking your legislators and Governor Polis for their support on these bills!

Providing Economic Security

Colorado is nearing the end of the pandemic but hundreds of thousands of workers, families, and small businesses are still struggling to make ends meet. Meanwhile, many of the people with the biggest bank accounts and the largest corporations are already better off than they were last year. Right now, Colorado’s  tax code is slanted towards the wealthiest, and a few tax loopholes that overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy and corporations aren’t doing anything to help our economy and support our communities.

BREAKING: Lawmakers recently passed a Tax Fairness Package (House Bill 1311 and House Bill 1312), which will close wasteful tax loopholes for giant corporations and the ultra-wealthy and use that money to expand tax credits that benefit Colorado families and workers. Read more here.

Strengthening Our Democracy

Our democracy works better when more people participate in it. We are committed to providing Coloradans with opportunities to connect with and hold their elected officials accountable. We also aim to make our lawmakers’ voting records more transparent, so Coloradans know if their senator, representative, or the Governor have worked to reduce the costs of health care and provide economic security to Colorado communities. Lastly, we will always work to engage as many Coloradans as possible in the voting process.

Share Your Story

As we work to lower prescription drug costs and create a Colorado public healthcare option, you can help us get the right people on-board by sharing your story. If you’ve faced insurmountable healthcare debt or experienced other challenges due to high costs, let us know.

TAKE ACTION: Share your story and stand up for affordable health care and prescription drugs in Colorado!

>> Take a few moments and share your story.